Virgin ears & Virgin body

by Pink Romance   Feb 21, 2008

There is one thing people don't understand about me is that I never encountered sexual pleasures.

I have virgin ears and a virgin body. to be honest sex isn't the best. girls say, yes because they can.

but for me, it just gets you fat. sex causes you to be strectched out and emotionally stressed.

even though I never had sex. I honestly feel like I did. saying the word makes me scared, uncomfortable and makes me seem as if I am being a disrespect. I was raised well. my family new what they were doing. only thing now is to wait and when I meet mr. right, I will rock his world.


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  • 17 years ago

    by ali

    Wow this has a really good meaning to it and because its put forward in such a relaxed way it is so easy to read and understand! realy good i liked it a lot!!! 5/5 x