New Love: If You Say So

by nering   Feb 21, 2008

* this is the stupidest poem I think I have written but what the hey--this is not really a love love poem but I was definitely like yeah I even put my dumb poems on here--so here I go*

I'm glad I met you,
Because now I can again smile
And that hasn't be able to happen in a while!

I was left to the point, when we talk I'm really scarred
Scarred of what I could possibly say
And then lose you one day!

I have been hurt before,
I know you say you wont, heart that line before too
But Baby I know it different because it is you!

The pain still remains within me!
That jerk of an ex really did a number
Back in June of last summer.

Bare with me please, forgive me for taken it slow
I know you say you cant be patient
But I believe in you, I know you can face it.

I trust you already with waiting for me,
I know that someday we could be.
I just hope that patience is somethin we both can handle

Because Fate really took its toll
And I'm so happy I found you
No worries though I'm not gonna say *I love you*--


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  • 17 years ago

    by A Good Man

    This is not really stupid to me because i know where your coming from when u wrote this poem. Sometimes its good to keep ur guard up alittle,because u dont want to be hurt by the one ur with like ur ex hurt u.