Just a thought not a poem--

by nering   Feb 21, 2008

Why do guys fluster me?

They say one thing and another they really intend...they want to be sexual all the time--that is there ideal of fun...yeah sex may be fun sometimes (who am i to tell) but why cant guys just be sweet for one minute? Geeze guys fluster me...

*first random thought about guys*


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  • 16 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Umm wait..not all guys r d same...ders 1 out of 10 whos different..who cares...nah not all guys..ok may be in d US....but less here....guys r sexually attracted 2 gals..but 1 in those 10..really doesnt care about how u look...just like gals..even guys prefer gals wid whom dey can feel safe and protected....der r good guys..and even ppl sumtimes dont realize dat dey feel like no1 loves dem..der is always sum1 who really loves dem and wants 2 see dem happy....or in other words...secret lovers??..yeah der r...trust me der r!...oh well guys can change wen dey r loved....guys cant change gals..but gals can change guys..dats d truth..GUYS CAN CHANGE!..lol i hope i didnt wrtie sumthin offending...sowwie..if i did...lol..peace~

  • 17 years ago

    by David

    Hey not all guys are like that you must remember, and eventually u'll find your own that makes you feel like a princess