The Good Bye Tear

by Brea   Feb 21, 2008

You broke my heart...
you took it for granted....
i don't know what to say....
i don't know what to do....
but that last tear i cryed ...
was that good bye to you ....
theres no more hello ,
it's that for ever goodbye....
your that notebook that i hate ....
your that forever lie....
your that goodbye tear ...
that forever untied ....
I'm letting you go
so i bow my head and say goodbye....
forever for now,
for the rest of my life....
you looked at me ,
and strait up lied ....
forever i ask ....
till the day i die
it's that one word....
that only question ....


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  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    I loved the second half of the poem truly but the first half could use a little more orginality just my opinion though plz dont take an offense 4/5 maybe u can read one of mine.^^