I scream out the words i'm dieng to say
i cry on the insdie just to make it throught the day
i put on that smile i act like i care
when really i don't even want to be there
he touches me wrong he hits me so bad
he does so many things to me it makes me sad
i didn't do anything to deseve this yet i feel as if i do
it happens so much wouldn't you feel the same way too?
he says i'm worthless then says i'm great
puts me down fills me with self hate
he lies so much but they have become my truth
stealling away my life taking away my youth
for such a young girl i have so much weight but on me
with no sign of ever being free
to embarrassed to tell
so afaird it'll make him yell
this is a secret i'm sopose to keep my mouth shut
it's that it doesn't feel right .... but....
i scream out the words on the inside
will any one ever hear my slient cryies?