
by Manda   Feb 21, 2008

One day when your looking back
you're going to say man I probably lost
the only girl that might have actually loved me.
She was the girl I could have gave my last name to,
The girl that would've stuck by my side no matter what.
The girl that would've been down to do anything.
The girl that would've died for me.
The girl that would've made me a better man.
The girl that would've made me her king.
The girl that would've loved, honored & cherished me.
Now all I can do is regret the way I made her cry, sad,
down and out, the way I wasted her love and her time.
She's probably making her man the happiest guy in the world.
I wish it was me instead of him, I guess I'm too late and I regret what I did.
Deep inside I really loved you but I just wasn't man enough to admit it.


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  • 16 years ago

    by MiRAy3

    DAMN qiRL! THiS iS S000 M3! L0Lz! i L0V3 iT =]

  • 17 years ago

    by AmandaRose

    That was a really good poem
    keep doing wat your doing cuz your good at it

  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    Awwww, i loveee it!

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