Pieces of my Pain

by Brie Anna   Feb 22, 2008

I can't believe someone would tell
and put me though this hell
i can't take living like this
my life is shit!
and you know it!
with my name in the papers;
and family on the news
just leave me alone!
try and walk in my shoes!
bud out of my life! care about your own
if i wanted your help i would of said so!
;but i didn't;
i just want my family and because of you
they all friggin hate me!
they think i told i didn't i would never tell
i don't want another family member sent to jail!
already have 9 this one makes 10
don't you understand? it's ok i can take it like a man!
if this leaks out to the tv and press
i can promise you this;
i'll stop talking again and at his case;
i'll refuse to testify instead i'll defend
so could you care a little less
if you loved me you leave me be!
you wouldn't of told and took
some more of my faimly away from me....

© Brie Anna Cherry Jello Press ©


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  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Wow I indeed hate the press and popreatzi they are indeed truly cruel, then again people loving other peoples pain is cruel to nice poem 5/5 maybe u can read one of mine.