For my dad who helped me for being who I am

by Butterfly Dance   Feb 22, 2008

For my dad who helped me for being who I am.
You stood beside me facing whatever in my lifelong.
Would I were be more proud as I am.
You've taught me what was right and wrong.

I'm the flower and for thee is the tree.
Solid and strong; can bear the pain.
Protecting me from any harm it could be,
And comfort me whenever I had blain.

Through our life, we faced lots of dilemmas.
You pulled us out and gave us hope, strength.
Every time I see you sighing from sadness,
I would do all I can, for me to see your smile again
I can't imagine living my life without seeing your face.
Greeting us with lovingness in your tone.

Whenever I see you smile, my eyes would tear from joy,
And whenever we are apart,
We'll always be one fond family with a big heart.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    I envy your family my father walk out on us and our family relations within arent so great this was a truly great poem and you must have a really great dad 5/5 maybe u can read one of mine.

  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    Omgg..i soooo relate to this poem!
    i love it(: