I love you more than anything,
A tingle I get with you,
Is just like that long sweet kiss.
I love when you hold me in your
arms tight as you can,
letting me know I am safe with you.
All bundled up in the blankets,
warm and cumfy,
I love it when you hold me,
like you have never held me before.
My love Lance,
you mean so much to me,
when I say I love you I mean it,
when I kiss you I mean it,
when I hug you I mean it,
When I smile for you I mean it,
Everything I do for you I mean it.
I so want to get out of here and never,
come back it won't hurt me to never
see the people here again,
all they do is create drama.
I love you more than anything in the world,
love your baby girl.