Everything I Do, I Do It For Me

by Mark Spencer   Feb 22, 2008

Everything I Do, I Do It For Me
By Mark Spencer

People think I'm benevolent,
For that's the face I wear.
I'm very active in the church,
You'll often find me there.

The largest tithes my church receives,
Are donated by me.
So they made me a church elder;
Rewards for charity.

I did some missionary work,
When I was twenty one.
A deed that left my soul fulfilled,
And proud of what I'd done.

But if that work had no rewards,
Or it should cause me pain;
If death loomed over me each day,
Then I would have abstained.

For everything that I have done,
My many charities,
Has gained me something in return,
And compensated me.

I began writing poetry,
And posting it online.
I would comment on another's work,
If they applauded mine.

Though I claimed to appreciate,
The art of poetry,
I would not read the works of those
Who gave no praise to me.

It's the same at public readings,
When others don't applaud.
Sometimes I will critique their work
And tell them where it's flawed.

But if somebody pointed out
My selfish tendencies;
I'd proudly put them in their place,
With righteous expertise.

And anyone who judges me,
Or chooses that approach,
They will regret taking that path,
When they face my reproach.

It doesn't matter if it's true,
Nobody has the right
To draw attention to my deeds,
Or bring such things to light.

I want people to think that I
Am selfless in my heart.
So don't point out my selfish acts,
For that would not be smart.

It's taken many years for me
To create my facade.
And if it fools all of my peers,
It might even fool God.

But can the Lord be so deceived?
Can wolves pose as a lamb?
Or will the Lord gaze through my masks,
At who I really am?



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  • 16 years ago

    by Insanity

    I love your Poems mark. I started reading them nearly a year ago and have always enjoyed each one. This poem is one of my favrets, because it describes me a little to well. Thank you yet again for all your work Mark. God bless you

  • 16 years ago

    by Kelly

    Love it.
    Thought this was a fabulous poem and i think there is a little bit of this in everyone. I believe there are very few people who can be completely selfless. Brilliant poem i thouroughly enjoyed it.


  • 16 years ago

    by I Will Always love you

    It was a beautiful poem, but i know out of the heart the mouth speaks, maybe you should look inside yourself and find what you will see.

  • 17 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    This is amazing!.. each stanza was beautifully written and you have a good point!.. i really enjoyed reading this.. great job.. keep it upp =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Gizmo

    :] love it