
by stephanie fuller   Feb 22, 2008

Why does all this have to happen to me
what did i do to deserve something this bad
why cant i just have him
have the one i want and wanted for so long
but somehow things have to be this complicated and ruined everything
i hate this life of mine i wish i didn't have to go through this
but also i wish he understood what i was going through
but yet again he doesn't
why is what i ask myself
why is it so hard to get something or even someone
why does love have to end this way
why cant it all be easy
why cant everyone be with the person they wanna be with
why why why
why? can someone please tell me
i hate this stupid life of mine
only cause i cant be in his arms that can keep me so safe
were i can be to be told he loves me and nothing is going to happen


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  • 17 years ago

    by Fading Memories

    Great poem I can really relate to that... life goes on... why you? well.... only you can answer that.... but just think of all the people who are suffering just like you.... your never alone there will always be someone who understands you and loves you never forget that. He may not love you but one day someone else will.

