The Suicide List

by The lonley Soldier   Feb 22, 2008

There is another
Another in her life
Another with pride
I feel the edge of the knife

It breaks me down
To think that
She'll like him back
And i'll be left sat

Sat to fall apart
Like a used toy
Sat on the shelf
Just another boy

I know she likes him
But not the way of me
But i'm still scared
Dreading that she might not see...that

I cannot breathe
I cannot think
Because i have felt
The knife of hate sink

It sank down deep
Deep into my wrist
Now i'll be added
To the suicide list.


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  • Wow amazing poem.. I loved it.. Its so real to me.. Ive been in that and felt that way.. Awesome writing.. xoxox.. amber.xXx

  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    Wow good poem. i liked it. 5/5 sad though. kasia