Deadly Hands

by LC XxLoveIsSuiCidexX   Feb 22, 2008

You said you loved me never to let go, saying you wanted it all with me, yet you raised your hand to me and said its only because you love me, you hand tightly around my throat as you whisper its only because i love you, i was to afraid to run so i just took the beating, with my heart already brusied and my eyes blacken, i layed upon the floor with nothing left of me. i should of ran when i had the time, but everytime you said i loved you, i fell for you once more.


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  • What a sad but good poem while i read it i could draw a picture in my mind

  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    This was a very sad poem i remeber my first love she loved torturing me for her sadistic pleasure i was haunuted for a year but nice poem 5/5 maybe u can read one of mine.