Playing her own victim

by linkhorizon   Feb 22, 2008

Sheltering my ears
while i hum in silence
imminent battle is clear
pushing my buttons

five little hammers raise above your head
i've had enough
but you waste your breath
look what you've made me become

tormented by your constant reminder of my incapacities
these malicious intentions hurt
my heart bleeds for you apology
never wanting me since birth

i'm sick of your lies
manipulation of me you desire
falling into your hole each time
gathering strength to retire

like a muppet on a string
controlling me with your tyranny
don't ask of me anything
threatening me not to leave

you have a grip on me
still you instigate
just leave me be
you come around a little too late

destroy your place
too long i've lived in your darkness
quit these little mind games
deceitful kindness

trying to play me for a fool
firm like the ground i stood
i see right through you
i'm leaving you for good


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  • 16 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    That poem was awsome!!!it was so powerful and spoke with soo emotion in it!!! u did an amazing job seriously keep it up!!! 5/5 always

  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    Great poem. it is terribley sad. <3