HOw cOulD thE oNe?

by xXxquEEnXelizAbEtHxXx   Feb 22, 2008

How could the 1 who made me happy
make me feel so sad?
Wont someone tell me!
So i can understand,
If you love me,
How could you hurt me like that?
How could the one i gave my world to,
Throw my world away like that?
How could the one who said I LOVE YOU,
say the things you said?
How could the one i was so true to,
Just tell me lies?
How could the one i gave my heart to,
Break it like that?


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  • 17 years ago

    by xXxquEEnXelizAbEtHxXx

    O well nice to no i can help and that suckz BIG time

  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    This is perfect to express to him!!!! the guy i recent broke up with!

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