
by NicoleBaby101   Feb 22, 2008

I fell a razor sharp pain penetrating my soft skin nobody is there to help me, to heal me

I'm crying

I'm on the ground in pain, hurt, and liquid blood rushing out of my body like a stream.

I'm on the ground wishing, wanting to die.

I'm screaming, swearing and saying, "It is all your fault that I'm in this position"

I cry harder. I plea to God to take away my life, to end my misery and pain.

But I still can't help to think it is your fault that you made me want to commit suicide


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  • 16 years ago

    by Pink Romance

    Sad, poem how can someone hate u wen they kno u still love them. i understand y u wanted to do it. this was a good poem. u could have said more and u would havve been able to hit me in my soft part. but u only poked me =].

    xoxoxoxo COURTNEY xoxoxoxo

  • 17 years ago

    by Jes Miller

    Wow, but hey don't let anyone push u to that again...sure u were in love..i kno what its like to be in love and then the next thing they are out of ur life...but the world keeps spinning and time keeps moving and another person will come into your life....don't let ur world go dark yet.

  • 17 years ago

    by Niels

    This is a very sad poem, yet beautifully written! Great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Favorite Mistake

    Tis good,sad but tis good =o.o=

  • 17 years ago

    by Empty Space

    Very sad

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