Freestyle to the liar(s)

by monica   Feb 22, 2008

I hate your lies
can you please just go die?
i won't say your name cuz it'll make
me throw up in my mouth
but alot of people know who you are
i wouldn't trust you as far as
i could throw you
and i can't even lift you off the ground
so much for that idea
your not even worth my *wrapping paper
much less your name in my mouth
i swear, you name is like a swearword
and if i even think it, I'll burn in hell
when i see you, my eyes burn inside my skull
it's like an allergic reaction
i must hate liars alot, so i hate you,
your control freak ways, your *lizzbian games,
your a freak and a liar and i can't say
"I hate you" enough, because i obviously hate you
so much. so i have to end with an
don't forget the capital letters, because its true

*sorry people..theres some inside jokes in this poem.
wrapping paper: pretty much "you don't matter to me"
lizzbian: eh...its a play on lesbian, but with the girls name in it. (I'm not against lesbians or gays.)


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  • 17 years ago

    by kylexthexmagnificent

    Wow...this poem is pretty angry. lol i love it. its awesome. =)