I try...so hard

by Diz   Feb 22, 2008

I loved thee, i gave allot to thee
i miss my life so deeply
i want all that had to be
how can i express in words
i try hard but falls onto deaf ears.

Where do i go what should i do
i wake to a beautiful sunrise
but feeling dull in heart, i re-cap on thoughts
i reminise on dreams that previous night
a dream that haunts me day and night
i dont want to feel the scare i endured

I try to say i try to express
all to no avail it get's me nowhere
I sing i dance i show there's always a chance
the card is always played holding the ace in the air
but i am forever holding the card to maybe be played one day
i close my eyes to meet and finish within my arms
i sink deeply to feel the chosen ace of mine

I open my eyes to realise that ace of mine is stuck in a myne
i need to send my undying love to release thee
i close my eyes and say goodnight
I send my love wishing that i will see thee during sunlight.


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  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    Sad..but real good.