Comments : Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic

  • 17 years ago

    by Anaisthitos

    Wow. This poem has such strong word choice I had to reread it a few times before I really understood what it's about. Great wording, it really painted pictures in my head as I read it. Excellent job! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Cuddles

    Oh wow! I love how the lines flow seemlessly together and how every word opens our imagination to see the magic. Beautiful work. Well done!

  • 17 years ago

    by Hebe

    Great poem..
    Especially the last stanza.. beautiful!
    Great imagery.
    I had to read it a few times.. but it was worth it.
    Enjoyed reading it.
    Take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Nix

    Amazing poem, it is so beautiful and every description is so clear and vivid.
    This is unique piece which posses some free,wild tone. I like your word choice, it is actually very impressing and few lines put me in awe.
    You intertwined uniqueness of your thoughts with incredible rhythm and that created this captivating, remarkable atmosphere.
    So colorful poem, bravo, I honestly enjoyed.

  • 17 years ago

    by Katie

    Very strong poem. Loved it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    VERY nice write, I love the picture you painted, i could see the poem as I read it, some really good description. It was an absolute joy to read, keep up the great work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Wow, this is a wonderfully illustrated poem, dazzling! I decided after your wonderful comment, i would check some of your poetry, and I love it! the way you put the words together does give it a magical and serene tone. very nice, keep up the wonderful writing, I'll be sure to check by and read more of yours.

  • 16 years ago


    Oh lordy, I love you.
    I'm getting tired of reading overly-simple poetry written by angsty teenagers trying to be artists.
    Just LOVELY, it truly is. I love your vocabulary, and the entire poem was just exquisite. I'd tell you bit by bit what I loved about it, but that'd keep you reading for a good few hours so I'll just settle for speechless applauding.
    Fabulous work, keep it up~

    Also, I'm sorry I didn't get to this sooner, I've been moving house the last week and with uni and my job, I've been really busy. Sorry again, but I'm glad I came, it's a great piece!

  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    Amazing. Your work is always impressive. The vocabulary used in this is really powerful. Great job. And thanks for the comment. =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Your choice of word just blew me away! Ahhh-mazing. Your writing style is so unique... it is quite refreshing to read. The imagery here was just flawless and completed the poem for me. Beautifully done my dear. *5/5*

  • 16 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Very ellegant poem. Yeah, I know, who uses the word "ellegant" when referring to a poem. I DO. And what I mean by it, is that the story told, the way of words, is very expert. Ugh, explaining this is hard. It was just very captivating. I loved every fiber of this poem. The title added much to it, making this girl sound like a goddess.

    5/5 =)

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Okay first off, before I even read the poem, the title was very good. It draws the reader in, makes them curious. Well done with that. :]

    Ashy glances behind laced veils
    reveal inner thunders that crawl
    wearing cloaks weaved with storms-
    elegant body language whispers secrets.

    ^^ Once again your imagrey is superb. The third line was my favorite. I got this picture in my mind of an actual cloak made of storms. Weird, huh?

    Music ignites motions, surreal-
    moving across the moonlit floors
    spinning within hues of outburst,
    swirling with such passion and grace.

    ^^ It's like you're just stating thoughts or something. I think you're trying to tell a story, but it's not going to well. Maybe you're trying too hard not to put "I's" or "she's" in your poem. I agree that your shouldn't put a lot, but a few are fine.

    Drumbeats repaint soul
    with karmic, maroon and red ink
    writing the night away, laughing,
    as flowing attention heals wounds.

    ^^ I think it would soud so much better and make a lot more sense if you wrote the first sentence like this "Drumbeats repaint [the] soul" I think the rest of this stanza was really great though. It was descriptive, yet simple.

    Fingertips glide down the body
    hypnotizing traces of reasoning,
    complimenting ardent silhouette
    which sways amongst the stars.

    ^^ Eh, you're getting back into that complicated speach again. It really is beautiful to read, just a bit hard and maybe a bit fake. [if that makes sense]

    Every little thing she does is magic,
    dazzled by diamond fantasies,
    with silver glistening within pupils-
    elegant body language whispers secrets.

    ^^ This was my favorite stanza. It brought the whole poem together perfectly.

    Good job.

    Keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by silhouette fairy

    I really like this one and ia i read it (dunno if this is right) but the dancer really comes to life. great visualization in the words.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sherry Lynn

    Wow... talk about the lust that is hidden in this piece. There is strong desire that is screaming out.

    Drumbeats repaint soul
    with karmic, maroon and red ink
    writing the night away, laughing,
    as flowing attention heals wounds

    ^^ I love this verse.

    Well done...


  • 16 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Your writing is so's breath taking...beautiful!

    This poem is beautiful! You have such a way with words. It's seems so effortless and so natural. This poem painted a picture in my mind. I can see this woman doing her thing under the moonlight!!!

    I always appreciate your kind words. I must apologize for not coming by here more often. I'm rarely on here and when I am I don't stay for long. With the system down at work I figured I'd take a minute to read some stuff....

    :) Hope you have a great day!!!