Living Loving Existing

by perfectnonchalance   Feb 23, 2008

Life means to impact and to be impacted
There doesn't have to be a script for life to manner;
Effecting those around you

And being effected by those same people,
Verifies life against it's substance
Because the human race is apparently naive,
And never happy with what is there,

Guidelines are there too suspend the fear,
of not living someday

The problem isn't in that,however
Believing in eternity doesn't harm anybody
The problem lies when religion fails
Religion preaches love, acceptance and existing within gods plan

Unfortunately, when you defy that plan,
The ability to love and accept seems to fall like domino pieces;
Conditional love is funny and cruel that way
Your loved until you define question,
And then it fades away like it was never there in the first place

Your accepted until you don't accept gods word,
And then your acceptance falls to the floor and disappears
Life is being cut from the womb,
And exhausting your breath trying to crawl back in

From the first nervous twitch in a doctors cold hands,
To the last nervous twitch in a doctors cold hands
Coming to, is always easier to explain, than coming to an end
Because coming to an end is final and uncaring,
Its cold

And ultimately, thats what we are running from
The plague that is incurable
Life is realizing that realization isn't always kind;

Life is a series of consequences
Ultimately concluding a life lived,
In an epitaph, declaring it over.


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