Will you be my boy

by I AM YOUR FALLEN ANGLE   Feb 24, 2008

If i asked you a question
would you answer it
some say depends on the question
others say no
would you say yes if i asked you this
can i be your girl
would you be my boy
if you were with me, holding me
how would it make you feel
would you love me or just use me as a toy
say you loved me but rip out my heart
i hope not
if you say yes
please dont hurt me
love me for just me
not just for my body
i may have blonde hair and blue eyes
but every time im hurt
every bit of pain i feel
my heart dies a little more inside
but if you were my boy
and i were your girl
would we be more than each others toy
if i loved you
would you love me too


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  • 17 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    You commentid mine so i will your , i am an angel i would never hurt you i know how it is to fall i know how it is to hurt, i died as a humon and now help others from falling, if i was your you would never hurt , you would never fall,but i am an angel to protect if you are in the dark tell me i will be there for you wen no one esle will i am hear and i am waighting for an anwser...

  • 17 years ago

    by noha

    Nice work i love it keep it up