I Tried To Write A Poem

by FireCracker   May 19, 2004

I tried to write a poem, from me to you, I wanted it to be special, but honestly I wanted you to see my point of view

Because you make me laugh, and you make me smile, you have been and hopefully will be in my life for awhile,

And you were always there through the sunshine and the rain, you were always there to kill any guy who cause me pain

You taught me so many things I didn't yet know, thanks to you my talent for sports will truly grow

I never thought my best friend would soon become a guy, but everyone knows how we are so close it's absolutely no lie

You have been there through it all, you were always there to catch me when you knew I would fall

I just couldn't seem to write the perfect poem to you
Because no matter how hard I try one will never quite do

Because I need the poem to be real and I needed it to be true , and I need it to say that when you move how much I'm going to miss you

I wanted to put it all on paper , I tried to write it all down, but I really wanted It to say everything I feel for you , and how much I'm going to miss you when your not around

I'm Sorry I couldn't seem to write that poem for you, but no matter what I do, no poem in the world could really say how I feel for you


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