In a cage

by girlnextdoor   Feb 24, 2008

Society has me in a cage
the keys hang just outside
and all I need to reach them
is an open mind.

But open minds are hard to have
with judgement all around
how I wish to be myself
that girl inside, yet to be found.

There's many people out there
Wanting to learn, to grow
Yet if they don't meet the standards
They're left here feeling low.

I want to be their friend, I do!
But something holds me back
And it is not their weakness
It's something that I lack

I lack the courage to do
What I know is right
I lack the courage to be myself
And I'm giving up the fight

Maybe one day, I'll be free
Right now I just feel rage
That I can so easily get out
Yet I'm still inside the cage


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  • 17 years ago

    by Em

    It is great so far.

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