Or Something

by pookiengurgi   Feb 24, 2008

Please don't prove you don't give a damn
I'm wasting your time
Every word proves I am
You brought this on
I thought we were friends
But I was so wrong
You pretend so much
Too conceiting for me
I'm so stupid for acknowledging
Your false belief in me
I'll never quite understand
Your point in choosing this kind of "friend"
The way you act when they're around
So nice, like "you're still my best friend"
The when they turn their back
You grimace, and flick the finger at their head
I think about our failure shot
Even when around is exactly what you're not
I can't fight the way I've started to feel towards you
And it's unfair
Because even if we weren't a soon-to-be failure shot
I'm leaving this state
I'm leaving my past
I'm leaving my friends
And that thought continually bites me in the ass
It's not fair to just up-n-go
But it's no use of allowing my emotion for you to show
Cuz you don't give a damn
Maybe in the beginning, but now
You only think of how annoying I am
Now I'm wasting my time
Writing these frustrations down
That barely rhyme
I'm noticing the little things
Things have got too far, it seems
But that's what usually happens when I start to care
I sometimes lose a precious friend
And that's one thing I'll never comprehend


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  • 17 years ago

    by paul alexander

    Like your poem

  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    False friends suck. i know what u mean. great poem tho. u'll move on eventually, i promise!! ^.^