Welcome or Goodbye

by hopelena   Feb 24, 2008

Time passes and we continue to grow
Things happen without we even know
Secrets get revealed, others we never show
But with all of that, life continues to flow

I was living my life, day after day
Not knowing the exact leading way
But because i have hope & i always pray
I know that my days won't turn out to be Gray

One night, out of nowhere and like never before
By telling me a secret, you opened a wide door
You said that I'm the one you've been looking for
And that you couldn't wait to inform me anymore

I kept listening to all that you had to say
I just listened and you continued to convey
I felt as if I was hit with a huge bouquet
That was actually truly very OK...

January the sixth had an amazing special night
The beautiful stars were shining so bright
The night sky was shed by the glowing moonlight
And from those moments, I felt that it was going to be alright

You have always been there for me
We barely ever used to disagree
We always got along to a high degree
And we cared for each other wherever we may be

You've always been my sweet special friend
On whom I could constantly depend
Best chats are the ones we together spend
And I so much hope that our friendship would forever extend

Now both of us can't really explain why
But such nice feelings we can't deny
We're both afraid of the simple reply
If it sure is a welcome or an ending goodbye!

Deep inside I feel that this is not the same
It's not like any previously played game
I sure hope that we both have the same aim
So that we won't let this all turn to a burning flame

You somehow changed my life's view
I'm knowing days that are completely new
What we have is only shared by a few
And I hope that it'll continue to be true

Whatever the ending will somehow imply
I hope we'll have the courage to give it a try
May our limit be further than the sky
Cause together on the magic carpet we can fly!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Daisy Wells

    Thought this poem was beautiful very well written and flowed nicley it captured my attention from start to finish well done you have conveyed deep emotion in this write with powerful words 10/10