
by TotaMariee   Feb 24, 2008

Break me down into little pieces
walk all over me
don't you care whats in my mind?
don't you want to see?

take your hurt and hatred
take it all out on me
make your victim my mind
cos you'll never ever believe in me
no matter how hard i try
i keep you together
even though you don't realize it
i stop you going crazy
crazy, just like me
i keep you floating around exstacy
while im falling down
waiting for you to catch me
and I'll be waiting for infinity
i do know that
aren't i aloud to hope?
Or am i that worthless?

But everyone knows
that what goes up
will always fall
yet you try to overcome
a rule set by mother earth
sometimes it makes me laugh
that you think your so powerful
like a god, like my god
when all your doing
is making a fool of yourself
in front of all these people
I'll just sit here and watch you
and not say a single thing
because I'll just be shouted out again
and we all know where that goes...

so outcome your lies
never set free the truth
you can tell them all to my face
and not feel an inch of guilt
you don't feel nothing
even though you say you love me
you sure do show it
sarcasm is my best game
blackmail is an excuse you use
to blame on all your wrongs
i don't know how to use
that kind of rubbish
i never want to either
thats always been
your thing, not mine

I'll wait until the moment is mine
if i can wait that long
without being locked away
just like you said i would be
and who's fault would it be
because it wont be me..
I'll hold on to the four people
that mean everything to me
and I'll be the one to keep you sane
I'll be the one to sink in all your pain
i am your little baby doll
do what you what with me
play your little games
send me to hell,just for a little laugh
but don't you know it?
I am your tourniquet...


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by she

    Luv this line:I'll wait until the moment is mine
    if i can wait that long
    without being locked away
    just like you said i would be

  • 17 years ago

    by Em

    You have ways with words, keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by FountainsOfBlood

    Wow.... just, wow...
    that's all i can say atm
    this is...just so amazing, i love this
    althought there is a few spelling errors, this is just wow
    5/5 xD keep it up xx

    Sarah x