Comments : One Cold January Day

  • 20 years ago

    by FireCracker

    Hey Its me , Maybeth ! I wanted to thank everyone who has and who will give their comments, it mean alot! And Yes this poem is true usually i only write about true stuff that takes place in my life but not all the time, Thanks so much for your comments!

  • 19 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    AWWW, wonderful. Nice. very good. If you have the chance, I would appreciate it if you could read my new poem “I know that she loves me” and plz. Comment and rate it, I would appreciate it. Thanx.

  • 19 years ago

    by Lil Luce

    good poem and ilso it intreges me about the part with your dad. i just hope it isnt true and u havent lost soemone close
    take care