Real Heroes

by El   Feb 24, 2008

Real heroes

Who are the real heroes?
Famous people, that everyone knows
Or the people who sit at home and do nothing but cry
Children who hate being alive, alive when they want to die
Those from a broken home, trying to make things work,
When every one around them treats them like a jerk
The parents shout and scream and kick and hit
Their life's is so so bad but still they don't quit,
Self harm, hunger, thirst every day
But they aren't trying to get away
Finding their own way to cope
They breathe and live in hope
That some day someone will heal the pain
Tell them their efforts aren't in vain
That there is a reason they are alive
And to hold on, just to survive
But until that day they remain unknown
So afraid so......alone
So are these the heroes
That nobody knows?
Because these children have been through so much
But still they havent given up!


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Willow

    They ARE the heroes!
    but sadly not many people know that

  • 17 years ago

    by Wallace

    Very good, I lovede the enthusiasm, it really showed you meant what you wrote. I think this should habve have been in the life section though. Greta t job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    This is amazing!.. people dont usually think of heroes in this way but they should! you have a great point and u did a beautiful job writing about it.. amazing.. i really enjoyed reading it.. and ur right.. sometimes people can be so brave.. and they should be honored for that. Keep it up! =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Gizmo

    I'm glad you wrote a poem on this..its really true

  • 17 years ago

    by Gizmo

    Actually claps* very very very good. great subject xx