Do i still love him

by iris   Feb 25, 2008

L broke up with my bf 2 years after a 9 months relationship. with my bf . we made so many plans. every relationship has its ups and downs and some are never that easy to handle. i thought we had the perfect love, but it ended just like anybody else's relationship. I'm still struggling about it while he has moved on. i don't know what to feel - here i am, stuck and blaming myself for everything while he is happy with a new relationship. i wanted to tell him about his faults, what i had sacrificed for, compromised for just to keep our relationship but i know its not a good idea now. he blames me for everything, he said, i blew it off. i wanted to ask him why it was so easy for him to move on, how he managed to find a new short, i wanted to make him feel guilty that he is being so unfair! though i have this angry thoughts about him, still, i love him so much. sounds crazy!
what is the right thing to do?


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  • 16 years ago

    by XAlwaysXBrokenX

    Ok!! i understand completly what you are going through sweetie!! me and my ex fiance just broke up after 3 1/2 years and he is already lolly gaging around with another girl!! i really hurts and it feels like a million knives stabbing you in the heart!! i know the feeling sweetie!! all i can tell you is try to move on and try not to let him take over your life!! when you feel like it is right to move on then do so but untill then you do what you tink is best and just lay back!! its really hard to do i know!! costently thinking about him and dreaming about him!! and hopeing everything gets better!! but just like Noor said it takes two to tango!! his heart is not in the relationship so dont let him bring you down!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Goodbye

    My advices:
    It takes two to tango. You can not mend relationship all by yourself. Best thing you can do at the moment is move on now. I am not talking about you should get a new boyfriend straight away. I mean you should not stay grieving this relationship. It is over. It was over when he did not make any effort to fix it. You can not change this fact by yourself.

    You must be hurt now, but later, you will remember all the good things you had. Keep them in your mind and learn the mistakes you made in this relationship and when next time you're having a new relationhip, do best with your new love to make things work out.

    Well, that was my advice. Maybe it was good or maybe it was bad. You decide.


  • 17 years ago

    by iris

    Haha. yeah i shud cheer up. his not that worthy for me. ayt?

  • 17 years ago

    by The lonley Soldier

    ITs not ur fault i no when i split up wiv my gf i really loved her i blamed it all on her but i only got another gf (hoo i ended up lovin even more than i did her) to make me feel better. Then the sub gf almost killed me i had enough wiv u fems lol as u had enough wiv us lads. x cheer up a bit it's not good 4 u