
by Hidden1   Feb 25, 2008

I'm shaking involuntarily
My eyes can't focus
I feel like somebody is banging bricks on my head.
This withdrawal is taking my life.
I need my "fix", but he's no where in sight.
My heart is beating as if I've just ran a marathon.
My legs feel like fresh cooked spaghetti.
My body goes into a state of shock.
Breathing now is coming in small gasps.
Feeling like at any moment I will sleep forever.
I close my eyes and play the movie of my life.
I go into a coma, trying to wake back up.
Deeper I go, watching how this addiction occurred.
Seeing him again makes me feign for another hit.
Knowing that if I do, I'll flat-line, my heart will explode.
Back to reality, once again, I'm shaking out of control.
Maybe I need to see my "fix" because this love withdrawal is truly no joke.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    I was and still am addicted to love and have felt the pain of withdrawal on a couple of occasions as I'm sure most poets have. Any real joy in life can only be recognized after seeing the depths of where sadness can reach. I liked this work of yours and can see the poets pen that rests in your fingers is in good hands. Please keep it up bud. I look forward to more... very nice

  • 17 years ago

    by Ares

    Really powerful poem this, love the references to a drug addict, truly stunning!