My Fear

by Shotput Girl   Feb 26, 2008

As I watch you
Walk away
I feel tears
Fall down my face

You have no idea
But you just killed me

You had my heart
Then you dropped it
And it shattered
Yet again

You had told me
You wouldn't hurt me
But you did hurt me

You're walking away
From me
And with each step
You take
Is another
Broken piece
Falling from my heart

We agreed to be friends
But how long
Will that last?

I still have feelings for you
But they will eventually
At least
I hope they will

But yet again
It is just another fear


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    Some emotions never die and some tears never dry. I really liked this free verse poem and hope you can find a place where you can shed your wings and love again.

  • 17 years ago

    by brittany19

    I love this!!! i know exactly how you feel. its simple and its good. awesome!