Forever until the end of time

by jen   Feb 26, 2008

The sky was dark and the night was cold
You were forever mines, to have, to hold
Or thats what I thought till I saw u then
Surrounded by the circle of those cruel men
I saw them throw you about the place
Bright red blood dripping from your face
They tied you up onto that chair
Covered your mouth, so your screams I wouldn't hear
Your brown eyes shone with unshed tears
While my heart was reflecting my hidden tears
That was the last thing I saw them do
And I thought I would never again see you
I felt a pain and then everything went black
I heard a scream and then a crack
The first thing I heard when I opened my eyes
Were your pitiful, loving, sweet cries

"Come back honey, don't leave me alone"
"Come with me to our new home"

I felt a pull and a tug at my heart
I knew now not even death can do us part
Up in the heavens I met you the same time
And I knew we'd be together, forever, till the end of time


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  • 17 years ago

    by Johnnys Medicine

    Love can be a great thing and at times it can be a bad thing. its all in how it turns out for yourself. 5/5