Joy of Butter

by CalGirl   Feb 26, 2008

Butter is such sweet relief.
When I look into his eyes,
I see my dazed reflection.
His deep blue oceanic eyes
lock me in a trance I can barely wake out of.

I see him with me
arm in arm.
I see him with Clandestine,
in blissful companionship.

Though his thoughts are far away
and I can barely guess them,
I know that there are myriad more
who would pounce once a winner is named.

To savor the taste of Butter,
to savor his easy eyes,
it's like treading in caramel,
wading through emotions that bring me down.

I can hardly meet his eyes,
for fear they might suck me in.
His golden brown layered hair,
is a whirlpool of romantic aroma.

I know our part is coming near,
but I dare not look in
to the angelic contours of his face,
for shame will blush my cheeks.

The days this year has quickly passed,
and the ones that are yet to come,
will start and end before
I know the day's begun.

The day we part is drawing near,
and as I wait for him,
I slyly steal a glance at him
hoping to find an encouraging look.

But all I find are distant eyes,
looking forth and not
even giving a sidewards look
to encourage my inner flame.

His mind is not cold, his heart not of stone.
But his eyes, the ones of the deep sea,
do not see my silent attempts,
to try to find his turquoise gems.

He secretly knows, he surmises,
my secret feelings for him.
But he makes no move, he makes no turn,
to see my deploring eyes.

Some say, "Move on!
He knows you not!
He'll never see you in that way."
But I will never give up,

On the joy of my heart,
the oxygen of my inner flame,
the guy who started it all.
Butter, in a manner of speaking,
is my heart's greatest quest.


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  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    HOLY SHIZ! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!?!??!??!?!??!? not the girl I know! beautiful beautiful beautiful!