Grave Secrets

by MidniteRain   Feb 26, 2008

When you find this you will know
That I knew all along
That you would do it anyway
Uttered threats into the emptiness
I knew they would come true
Remember when I left you?
I wrote this on that day.

In that life I am dead
But I was never bound by you
At least now I am living free
Of everything you have done to me
I left something for you, one day you will see
When those sirens come for you
They will know you killed me.

Like a love that will never end
I will always be in your thoughts
Every dark, sleepless night
Every single raised hair
Every time you jump at a scream
Remember that I will still be there
I am haunting your every dream.


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  • 17 years ago

    by oNice

    "I am haunting your every dream."
    Nice finishing line!