I want to be alone

by The lonley Soldier   Feb 26, 2008

I want to sit and cry
And shout leave me alone
Let me do my stuff
Just go back home

I want to scream and kick
'Till everyone's quiet
Just bugger off
Let me set i on fire

Let me hurt myself
Leave me in pain
stop obsessing over me
I will live again

Who cares if i bleed?
Who cares if i hurt?
I am my own self
Let me cry in the dirt

Just let me lie
leave when i'm down
Just leave me to
Slash and to frown

Please let me live
Find out for myself
If i will burn
If i'll go to hell

You're getting me down
Just keep your nose out
Who i am, what i do
Eff off i will shout

I'm getting confused
I'm getting stressed
Get out of my face
I'm doing my best

You selfish people
Don't think what i want
Don't think what i need
Just let me get shot

Stay out of my future
Just let me be
Whoever i want
And we will see

If we still get along
You're lucky as 'owt
I want to be alone
Pushed out in a boat

Pushed out into space
All on my own
With no one beside me
With no mobile phone

Only with Kelsi
Engraved in my wrist
Because she is
The one i will miss

Cannot you see
I prefer to be on my own
Either that or with Kelsi
And you lot at home

Stop asking me questions
That i cannot answer
Like Why is this?
Or...How many chances?

I want to be with Kelsi
To be together
To be alone
Like that forever

Everything else
To be shut outside
I want to live
My own god-damned life


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by AlexBlythe

    Well..I can't say I know how you feel because I really don't. I don't even know why the 2 people who commented before said they know.. I think its just weird..But hopefully you will feel better. I just have one question. Why aren't you with Kelsi? Or are you with her but just wrote the poem...?

  • 17 years ago

    by ScarredToTheBone

    This is a great poem. I know how you feel. Everyone tells us who we should be but no one even knows who we are or asks us what we think. Keep writing and never forget who you are. Never let any one change you.

  • 17 years ago

    by Flynel

    I know how you feel I really do.. And most of the things I also wanna be alone,, But most of the people only wanna try to help you, Only it ends with whining, right?

    But It's fantastic.. Nice done..

    xx Flynel