Comments : Daar loopt ze...

  • 17 years ago

    by Hebe

    Great poem Niels!
    Lovely at the beginning, sad in the end.
    First happy, than sad when she disappears, yet also nice cause she's free.
    It makes the contrast very clear.

    Especially the last stanza:
    " Haar naam inmiddels godvergeten,
    De wind slechts herinnerd aan haar kreten.
    Nu loopt ze door gebieden, zo vrij als een kind,
    Op zoek naar het geluk dat ze ooit had bemind. "

    Just beautiful.
    Very well done!
    See you tomorrow!
    Take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Xx Alone in my Quandary xX

    Hey y dOn't u translate it in english???;with the same technique with which u've written dis in ductch? ?

  • 17 years ago

    by Niels

    Well, I can't translate it, but then words won't rhyme anymore. Will translate it asap!