Comments : How to be happy

  • 16 years ago

    by Nee

    That wasn't bad
    loved the concept..but it could've been worded with better words.
    I have some things to comment on though:

    "I can't move I can't breath,"
    it's "breathe" , you used "breath" the noun.

    "I am laying on my back staring to the sky,"
    usually the verb "stare" is followed by "at" not "to" I think you should change it !

    "Jumping and joking here and there."
    Usually repeating "and" means that you were starting to lose let's say it should be changed to:
    "Jumping, joking here and there."

    "And my brother chasing ants till the tree."
    I think "to" is better than "till"..I felt like till doesn't flow well.

    "Just be Kind hearted."
    there was unnecessary capitalizing in the first letter of "Kind" should remove it.
    And about "kind hearted" itself, it should be changed to kind-hearted I guess.

    Last thing I want to used way too many punctuations..the dots and the commas, especially the dots.
    the poem overall, wasn't bad..but you gotta focus more on your wording and the rhyme.
    Write on =)