
by HisBrokenBaby   Feb 26, 2008

As much as I love you,
I just can't do this.

Your not being fair
Not to Mom, Not to brother.

You tell me I have to grow up
and stop running from my issues,

Yet that's what you did.
Packed your shit and left.

"It's her or me" you yelled.
Making your wife chose between her husband and only daughter.

I'm so done with your shit right now.
You want to throw me out, fine I'll fcking leave.

Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come to this.
And Brother, please forgive me one day.

I hope you understand I'm doing this for you.
Following HIS wishes, so you can still have him in your lives.

So I hope your happy now, Sir.
"Have a great life," You prick.


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  • 17 years ago

    by kelsie

    Oooh did that really happen


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