Comments : Killing Me Softly

  • 17 years ago

    by christina

    This is truly one of the best poems i've read so far and its all true...keep writing

  • 17 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Emotions suck huh, lol. It hurts when they don't love you in return, because that love doesn't go away, and even if you know they don't care about you like that. I'm sorry sweetie, I just had that happen. My boyfriend just told me that he really only thought of me as a friend . . . and I was in love with him.

  • 17 years ago

    by Crystal Gaze

    Sometimes killing you softly, hurts more than the cold steel words of and insult. If they break the realization to you as you portrayed in this piece, You still have the respect for there kindness were as if they insulted you. Your pride would make you get overthem and realize or pretend their and A*sWhole...

    I think you wrote this very well.
    Keep it up hun.