
by Hidden1   Feb 26, 2008

Dang I understand that you can't be with me.
So why do I feel like a Caged Bird with my wings clipped
Feeling defeated, because the "Air" under my wings has left me
Now I'm trapped, trying to escape.
Knowing if I try I try to escape I'll fall flat on my face.
I'm pecking all who come around me.
Fear that if they get to close, they'll smother me.
My mind is cloudy, can't form any real thoughts.
All I can think of is I want to fly free, but to where, I'll get lost, then my "Air" won't find me.
Here I am trapped in the Cage.
The longer I stay here I'm engulfed with fear, anger, hurt, and rage.
Will my "Air" come and set me free?
Or will he leave me here flapping helplessly?


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  • 17 years ago

    by JAZMIN

    This is a very good poem! Alot of imagination put into this... you feel trapped and not being able to breath and just want out... but dont know how... thats a great poem!

  • 17 years ago

    by deadly sun

    I liked that alot, very vivid in my imagination and very true. i love your use of ideas:)

  • 17 years ago

    by KJ

    So far, this is my favorite poem written by you. I mean, all of your works are great, but this one is by far the one that I can relate to right now...
    "I'm pecking all who come around me.
    Fear that if they get to close, they'll smother me."
    ^^favorite part (can easily relate)
    Also the way it was laid off was perfect. Loved EVERYTHING about it. Great Job once again =}

    xxPaSsIoNaTe kIsSeSxx