Comments : Trapped

  • 17 years ago

    by KJ

    So far, this is my favorite poem written by you. I mean, all of your works are great, but this one is by far the one that I can relate to right now...
    "I'm pecking all who come around me.
    Fear that if they get to close, they'll smother me."
    ^^favorite part (can easily relate)
    Also the way it was laid off was perfect. Loved EVERYTHING about it. Great Job once again =}

    xxPaSsIoNaTe kIsSeSxx

  • 17 years ago

    by deadly sun

    I liked that alot, very vivid in my imagination and very true. i love your use of ideas:)

  • 17 years ago

    by JAZMIN

    This is a very good poem! Alot of imagination put into this... you feel trapped and not being able to breath and just want out... but dont know how... thats a great poem!