
by Brittany   Feb 26, 2008

It's too soon to say I have you,
It's too late to say I don't,
I know this is just a dream,
I'll wake up tomorrow,
And find that I never had you at all.

I love wasting time with you,
Even if we're just playing this game,
Where I run in never ending circles,
Trying to catch you for myself,
But don't slow down.

Yeah my heart is as fragile as glass,
Maybe I'm a little reckless,
Throwing it to a clown,
But where's the fun in sitting back,
Love wasn't meant to be a burden.

We could pick up the pace,
It's easy to spin until you're sick,
I think if we could go slow,
And yes it will be hard,
But if we could just go slow,
Maybe we won't fall over by the end.

Come on kid,
We've got a race to run,
Our feet pounding,
To the unison of our hearts,
There's no such thing as out of breath,
Soak up the adreneline,
We've got a long way to go.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    *Sigh* I experience this too a game of tag with the one you love.. it sucks right?

    anyway I think the poem flowed nicely, good job. btw in the title you don't need to put a period :)

    In my opinion people shouldn't use periods in their title. anyway keep up the good work!

    sorry for the late RRC

  • 17 years ago

    by xxxlOvElY sWeEtHeArTxxx

    I love the metaphore. The way you viewed love like a game of tag..ive never seen it done before.. i really enjoyed this one.