Maximum taste

by The Black Rose   Feb 26, 2008

When i met you
you were like my nemesis
we argued and fought all the time
we got in love through all the fights
always together
and now you're gone

i tasted your lips
held your hands
licked your neck
tasted it all
you were so alive
but nothings left of it

as i look down
i can see you there
in the coffin we built
your hair like a ring of black fire
roses all around you
and my gift to you in your hands

i will miss you a lot
you know i will
i will think about you every day
cos you my dear
are the only thing i ever wanted
and now you are gone

I'll love you forever...


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  • 16 years ago

    by your loving sistertwin

    Im sorry this happened...its really horrific to losse someone that you know you'll love forever...very meaningful poem

  • 17 years ago

    by lost and incomplete

    Beutifully captured my love is sent to you brother :)

  • 17 years ago

    by No one

    Aww, that's really sad =( I'm sorry honey, great write though. I lik the imagery.
    Take care,

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