Amor Mei

by NightPersonality   Feb 27, 2008

Although I remember his face and his voice,
My heart and mind betray me with no choice.
As the moon weeps for affection bereft of,
He is leaving me now with all that I love.

His raspy, baritone laughter stifles my beating heart,
This weakness I know so well, I fear to impart.
The golden days mock my unrequited love,
Shall my screams shatter gravity?
And shall I fall into the abyssal sky above?

Oh! How goes the day when my heart will dance,
The lovely, whispered story of romance.
My soul will burst and froth with jubilee,
And the gentle wind will lift my dying heart's debris.

Should my love fade as the breath of a cloud,
My heart should fail a promise, so quietly vowed.
What then my soul shall sing in joy!
Myself made happiest with a broken word?
Does this love's ill will favor the boy?

My compassion is well thought of as vacuous, garish,
But they shall never know his treasures that I so cherish.
The raindrops of dismal days will cry,
Unspoken words the heart cannot deny.

The regret of the actions in past affections,
Has given my mind the hesitance of recollections.
Although aware that my heart shall not receive,
Should not my soul drown in deepest blue?
Should then, my happiness, forever be deceived?



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