My eyes see only darkness

by I AM YOUR FALLEN ANGLE   Feb 27, 2008

Through my eyes you see death and fear
my eyes have clouded over so i cant see
through your eye though the world is clear
you see no evil, hear no evil, talk no evil
but for me its different
everything is evil, everything reaks of death
you see the light
through my eyes i prefer the darkness
thanx to you
i see darkness all around me
i see where demons roam
all alone, holding names but no homes
you see angles, love, and hope
i see demons burning in hell
hearts bearing wings and halo's in your eyes
pain and suffering hearts on fire in mine
you hold secrets
i hold secrets ill never tell
for my eyes see only darkness
demons in hell


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  • 17 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    I will protect you,
    even a fallin angel love,
    and i am no exeption,
    i love another fallen angel ,
    and that angel is you.

  • 17 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    Falling faster i am a fallin angel,
    i am the demon you see holding the world,
    i am the evil in the world,
    i made it drk so you could hide in it,
    the cold to prezerve your soul.

    so the why do you only see the light,
    why do you only see the hope,
    beacuse this hope i have is for you,
    i have fallin,
    there is no exape for me,
    there is no hope for a fallen like me,
    witch is why i hope for you,
    pray for you, beacuse the truth is,
    all ive wanted to say is,
    i love you.