I'm walking on a razorblade,
Each movement brings me pain.
Some day
I'll reach the edge,
I'll make one fatal step
And fall into eternity.
I'm just one step away
From you.
Eternity knows no bounds.
No time, no waiting... Now
Each heartfret and each sound
Reminds of you.
I'm falling apart,
You're trials away,
My eyes are cried out
With what I can't say.
You're here in my arms
Until I'm awake,
You're here in my heart,
For always and safe.
You're safe.
You're walking on a razorblade,
Each movement brings you pain.
Some day
You'll reach the edge,
You'll make one fatal step
And fall into eternity.
You're just one step away
From me.
Eternity knows no bounds.
No time, no waiting... Now,
I hope, each song of love, each sound
Reminds of me.
I'm fighting for you
By living through days
Of my solitude,
Of fatal mistakes.
I'm stronger than fate,
We'll make it all through.
I'm here without you,
But there - with you.