Truth is (its a long one guys..true for me in my life tho)

by xxliveinlovexx   Feb 28, 2008

Being strong and acting strong
are 2 very different things
I seem to have mastered both
You wouldnt believe the things ive gone through
I keep this smile on my face but im breakin inside
I cant be alone bcuz your all i think about
You hurt me badly and all i want to do is forget you
But theres a big part of me that doesnt want to.
You did make me happy and i thought i made you happy to
but i guess that wasnt enough
You still went back to her
I dont know why you did bcuz boy you know i could of made you happy
I could of made all ya pain go away but no
you never gave me that chance..
The hardest thing is knowing that you know this but are just ignoring it.
Why? Why baby why?
You dont understand how hard i tried to be everything you wanted
I gave it my all and let you in
but now all i do is hurt
and its bcuz of you
I hurt bcuz i believed every bullshit line
every fake im sorry
You never really cared did you?
It was all a game wasnt it?
I was just another girl you were trying your luck with?
But guess what im not just another girl im me
and i wont let you break me i wont let you win.
Ill keep my head high and walk right by you like i never knew you
Ill show you just how strong i am.
You know i can tell myself all that and say you were just playing me
but deep down i know thats not true
i saw how you looked at me
i felt how you held me
and i know how i made you feel.
It was the closest thing to perfect ive ever had.
But it wasnt enough for you?
Or it was and you just chose to ignore it?
But you know what?
You going to miss this bcuz baby no one will ever care for you the way i did
no one will ever put up with as much as i did
i was willing to do anything and everything for you.
But you didnt appreiate what i was doing.
And when you finally realize this it will be to late.
Bcuz im walking away like i said i would.
No matter how much i care for you i wont wait.
I wont think twice about this.
My mind is made up.
Boyy; you missed your chance.
I could of been the best damn thing you ever had
but no you had to be afraid and insecure to take the chance.
And thats your fault and your problem.
But me;; Ill move on, ill find someone better...
But will always have that space in my heart.


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  • 17 years ago

    by ReinaPuente

    Im really ahhhmazed with this one. cause its from the heart and i can feel it. i cant say i went threw the same thing but it was close to somthin like that.

  • 17 years ago

    by IMissYou

    Love this poem it's exactly what happened to me..stace..x

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