Loved and Lost

by BlackCherry   Feb 28, 2008

You were so important to me..
I loved you all those years
I waited every passing day
With hope in my eyes

"Hes definitely coming"
I said to myself
But as the years went by
I slowly began to lose hope

Its amazing how my love for you just grew each day
I never forgot you because...
You were my light...
You were in my every thought

I was so thrilled when you came back
I was filled with joy

But the happiness ended
Those years of hopeful waiting down the drain
I never imagined that you
You with your kindness, your endured past
Would rip my heart in two

You never did know my extreme love for you
You thought of me as something trivial
I thought you would at least say "Sorry"
I thought you would at least understand my pain

You caused me pain
You caused me grief
You caused me hopelessness
You made my eyes leak tears

I shouldn't have loved
I shouldn't have waited
I shouldn't have to be in the past
I shouldn't be so hung up over you...

I wish i never fell in love like this...
My first love...shouldn't have been this way
It shouldn't have caused me crying
It should have given me happiness
I never should have loved you


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  • 17 years ago

    by Em

    Aww, little Charis is growing up!