
by Xxperfect mistakeXx   Feb 28, 2008

People all around you
Have to stop and stare
Some will even wonder
How those scars got there

I have bad scars too
Except mine aren't hard to hide
See yours are on your skin
Mine are deep inside

Yes my insides damaged
So cut up and torn
It's not because of sickness
Or because of 3rd degree burns

Mine are from the past
So dark and not well seen
I don't have anymore nightmares
In fact, I don't even dream

I'm so torn apart
Broken up and hurt
My life has not been pleasant
I've been tossed and thrown in dirt

The people I have trust the most
Have broken me and lied
I don't have a best friend any more
She had to go and die

When I do the right thing wrong
My life goes round and round
When I wake up the next morning
I'm lying on the ground

My heart is somewhat broken
I suffer from great pain
Some people stop and wonder
Is that girl insane?

Though people try to help me
Mend my broken heart
I'm starting to get better
But they'll never fill the part

The part that's dark and empty
Gloomy and ice cold
I'm hoping I'll get better
Or so I have been told

You and I aren't different
You suffer so do I
We both have lost a great amount
We both sit alone and cry

People all around you
Have to stop and stare
Some will even wonder
How those scars got there see


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  • 17 years ago

    by BlEeDiNg FoR tHe OnE i LoVe

    OMG i love this poem it is exactly how i feel! amazing 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by HillaryNicole

    I feel da same way but i have scars nside n out so ur lucky.But it was really gud!

  • 17 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    Shit......that was rough.tragic-beautifully written,though.5/5