Wings to Fly

by Nikkicola   Feb 28, 2008

A little girl holding on to the only thing that ever understood her....
Her favorite doll dressed up in a Crimson color...

She wasn't like any child one had ever known....
She hid behind feelings she refused to let be shown..

Sometimes she would lay upon the ground...lost completly in her own world...
She didn't understand why people where continusly saying, "Whats wrong with that girl?"

While other girls dreamed of being a princess in a far away kingdom...
She drempt for wings that would take her far away, and give her freedom..

As time passed by she grew up to be surrounded by liars...her parents told her she was fine..
They spent all there money on her...but she knew love wasn't bought why waste there time...

She spent her time...reading deep into a thought that almost didn't even exsist...
Maybe everything would change, she'd find that perfect boy..with that posionus kiss...

She was completly beyond her wisdom for the age of fifteen..she could see threw to your heart...
A curse, or gift which ever you choose, that she was given from the start....

She lay upon the ground watching the moving the air gently kissed her cheek
As she looked around and saw her strength..far out did the weak.....

She took a breath in and saw the tree limbs bend to her power...her ability...
Breathing out as she tried to hold the whole world steady...

She wondered about this thing called love, it couldn't be near as bad as they say...
It couldn't simply make a person live and kill them all on the same day...

One day as she lay lost in it all.....deep thoughts consumed her...and tears blurred her visson
She ran to the highest cliff and looked out at the horizon...

She closed her eyes and decided it was time to leave it all behind...
She wrote a note and whispered to the wind..

The wind only kissed her goodbye...and messed up her hair...
Almost broken it howls none of this is fair....

Looking down at the never ending drop....she jumped not for one second wondering why
She surely would of faced the end...if she hadn't opened her eyes and saw she had wings to fly


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Latest Comments

  • Good work you have wonderful talent

  • 16 years ago

    by megan

    That was a wonderful poem!!!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by your love is mine

    Nice job on this poem. and this poem reminds me of some of the thoughts i had when i was little but now i see that this is life and not all of us live in a good place.

  • 17 years ago

    by MyMuse

    I loved this poem, i cried and cried through just hte first word from it. and i cant stand how well you wrote this poem, i love it all so much though! thank you for writing this.




  • 17 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    Really good